This itinerary moves along forest of oaks, maples and limes, through agreeable depressions where cornels and willow trees grow and it often crosses by the stream Scannacapre. It is possible, walking along this route, to make a true experience in the forest and to be acquainted with flora and fauna of the Park. At the same time, along the route, it is possible to enjoy beautiful views and landscapes on Basento River, with the town of Campomaggiore and Albano far off.

It is also easy to meet some animals: along the Stream, we can observe different amphibians such as salamanders and newts.

Itinerary information

Starting point: Lat. 40.5131 Lon. 16.1165   Journey time: 3 hours
Length: 8,2 Km   Journey modalities: on foot, by bike, on horseback
Difficulty: E (easy)   Slope: max: 25.5% / med: 13,1 %
Height (a.s.l.): min: 481 m. / med: 684 m. / max: 862 m.   Characteristic: N (Naturalistic)


Information about the altimetry of the itinerary

altimetria 701


From “Caserma Palazzo”, the location of the headquarter of the Park where it is possible to visit the Botanical Garden, the medicinal herbs Garden and the “Olfattoteca” (the house of the smells), the naturalistic centre, the Church and ancient convent of St. Chiara, take the dirt path starting from the Botanical garden. Walk for 2 km until you reach the Stream Scannacapre.

The itinerary moves along an easy forest road, next to a group of great pines. Once reached the Stream Scannacapre, follow the ridge in direction Pantalena Fountain.

After a short curve, go straight along the path until you reach “Acqua della Verna”, going down toward the fountain.

Reach the intersection with the provincial road to Accettura and follow the path that moves alongside the road, inside the forest, until you reach again Caserma Palazzo.