The regulation governs the assignment of works, goods and services defined as "below threshold" according to art. 35 and according to the procedures established by art. 36 of the new Code of public contracts, approved by Legislative Decree n. 50/2016.
Below you can download the Public Notice for open list, the regulation with the relative attachments and forms.

Download regulations and attachments


L’art. 77, comma 1, del d.lgs. 50/2016 dispone che nelle procedure di affidamento di contratti di appalto o di concessione, da aggiudicare mediante il criterio dell’offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa, la valutazione delle offerte dal punto di vista tecnico ed economico sia affidata ad una commissione giudicatrice composta di esperti nello specifico settore cui afferisce l’oggetto del contratto. Il presente regolmento, approvato dal Parco con D.C.D. n. 109/2018, definisce il funzionamento di tale Commissione per l'Ente.



Wild Boar control from a fixed position regulation
This regulation, in compliance with the Management Plan of the Wild Boar Park of Gallipoli Cognato Piccole Dolomiti Lucane 2014-2019 and of Law 394/91, regulates the procedures for carrying out selective boar picking operations (Sus scrofa) to be carried out by means of selective slaughtering from a specially numbered fixed station. Control is based on criteria of scientific consistency, in compliance with the requirements of protection and safeguard of agricultural activities and biodiversity and of the experience gained at local and national level on species management.

Wild Boar control from a fixed position regulation

Technical Handbook for the detection of damages from wildlife
The Directive Board of the Park has approved the handbook that illustrates the types of crops, the average yields and the elative prices in order to standardize the methodologies for estimating the corresponding compensation in favour of those who own crops damaged by wildlife.
Last updated: April 2017.

Technical Handbook

selecontrollori Documents


Plan of management of the population of wild boars in the Park Area 2014-2019 and Technical Disciplinary
Below you can download the Population Management Plan for wild boars in the Park Area for the period 2014-2019 and the related Technical Disciplinary.

Technical Disciplinary
Plan for managing the population of wild boars in the Parco Area 2014-2019


Statute of the Gallipoli Cognato Piccole Dolomiti Lucane Park
Statute of the Ente Parco Gallipoli Cognato Piccole Dolomiti Lucane approved by the Regional Council of Basilicata on 20.07.1999, as amended by D.C.R. n. 189 of 4.10.2011, modified with D.C.P. n. 06/12.

Statute of the Park

Plan for managing the population of wild boars in the Park Area
Download the inspection request for damage assessment from wildlife and the request for the electric fence.


Survey request for damage assessment
Electric fence question

Regulation for the granting of contributions
The Park Authority, in order to proceed with the granting of moral patrons, economic aids and contributions of any kind to public and private bodies, foundations and public and private associations, has drawn up a specific regulation to regulate the functioning of the concessions of the same.

Contribution grant regulationi

Fida Pascolo Regulation
Below you can download the conditions for the exercise of Fida Pascolo in the Forest of Gallipoli Cognato, approved by resolution of the Directive Board n. 47 of 19.05.2010, containing also the application form.

Fida Pascolo Regulation

Mission regulation
Below you can download the regulation that fixes the method of reimbursement of mission expenses of directors and employees of the institution.

Mission regulation

Working time regulation
Below you can download the regulation that establishes the hours of work, open to the public and service of the institution.

Working Time Regulation

Gallipolis Guest room Regulation
At the headquarters of the Park, at the Palazzo Location, there is a Foresteria (guest room) property of the Park, whose rules and methods for its use are described in the Regulation downloadable below.

Foresteria Regulation
Reservation booking form

Rugulation for using the Park's name and logo
According to the L.R. 47/97 art. 3, the Regional Park of Gallipoli Cognato Piccole Dolomiti Lucane, can promote the various economic and social activities, as well as commercial and popular in the area, both through its promotional and propaganda material, and through the transfer of the use of its name (denomination) and its emblem (the Park Logo).

Logo use rugulation

Protection and conservation measures
The Basilicata Region, in agreement with the Ministry of the Environment, has identified 20 Special Areas of Conservation (Zsc) on Basilicata territory, three of which in our Park: Dolomiti di Pietrapertosa; Bosco di Montepiano and Gallipoli Cognato Forest. For our three sites we have the appropriate management tool or the Measures of Protection and Conservation (Mtc), approved by D.G.R. 1181/2014.

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