Regional Law n. 47 of 1997 established the managing body of the protected area of Gallipoli Cognato Piccole Dolomiti Lucane.
The area of the Natural Park of Gallipoli Cognato Piccole Dolomiti Lucane includes the territories of the Municipalities of Pietrapertosa, Castelmezzano, Accettura, Calciano and Oliveto Lucano as included in the Territorial Plan of large area Galipoli-Cognato, approved by regional law 12 February 1990, n. 3. The plan excludes the portion of land on which falls the anthropological Reserve Monte Croccia established with D.M. 11 September 1971 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.
The institution of the Park of Gallipoli Cognato Natural Piccole Dolomiti Lucane finalizes its activity, to achieve the following objectives:
a) Protect and preserve the natural, environmental, landscape, geological, geomorphological and historical-archaeological characteristics of the Park territory;
b) Protect native animal and plant species in the natural area, re-establishing their habitat and reintroducing those that are no longer present or endangered;
c) Organize the territory for use for cultural, scientific, educational, tourism and recreational purposes, promoting initiatives to raise interest and respect for natural environments;
d) Promote the development of rural tourism and agritourism, hiking, as well as educational and leisure visits;
e) Promote interventions for the economic, productive and social development of the Park area, with particular reference to traditional rural and pastoral activities and organic farming;
f) Safeguard and enhance the traditions and anthropological aspects of the area, with particular reference to the rural settlements and to the arboreal cults of the area;
g) Safeguard and enhance the historic villages and rural areas through the valorisation of the culture of maintenance, including for the purpose of tourism;
h) Develop actions aimed at carrying out an effective land maintenance and recovery of degraded areas through interventions of hydraulic-forestry arrangements and with environmentally friendly techniques and through the drafting of forest management plans as required by the R.D.L. n. 3267 of 1923.
Browsing this section, you can get information on the institutional life of the institution, its activities and official documents.
Name | Parco Regionale Gallipoli Cognato Piccole Dolomiti Lucane | |
Date of Birth | 1997 | |
Responsible Authority | Ente Parco Gallipoli Cognato e Piccole Dolomiti Lucane Località Palazzo 75011 Accettura (MT) PEC: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Interested Region | Basilicata | |
Interested Provinces | Matera and Potenza | |
Interested municipalities | Accettura, Calciano, Castelmezzano, Oliveto Lucano, Pietrapertosa. | |
Surface | 27.027 hectares (Ha) | |
Altitude | from 198 m.s.m. Basento River to 1367 m.s.m. Mount Cresta Tavernaro |
Rivers and torrents |
The watercourses are part of the Cavone river basin. The main ones are Salandrella stream with the tributaries Giovinazzo, S. Giovanni, Grottiglio, Vaddienne, dello Zingaro; and the Poste stream with the tributaries Castria, Scazzarelli, Guallenida, Pullice, Valle Gannega |
Main peaks | Monte Croccia (1.049 mt.), Monte Tavernaro (1.390 mt.), Monte dell’Impiso (1.319 mt.), Costa della Rossa (1.177 mt.) | |
Flora Endemisms |
Stachis heraclea varietà lucana, Dinanthus ferrugineus subspecie vulturis, Heptaptera augustifolia, Scorzonera trachysperma, Knautia lucana, Onosma lucanum. | |
Fauna Endemisms |
Tetraodon lucanum | |
Altre forme di tutela | Legislation Plan of Gallipoli Cognato Piccole Dolomiti Lucane. Within the Park, there is the anthropological State reserve of Monte Croccia established in 1971 to protect the archaeological area of Croccia Cognato. |
History of the Park | The interest in making Gallipoli-Cognato and Piccole Dolomiti Lucane a Regional Natural Park was born in 1971 when the district is reported by the CNR as a biotope to be saved. It is a district that falls in part in the territory of the towns of Accettura, Calciano and Oliveto Lucano in the province of Matera and partly falling within the territory of Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa in the province of Potenza. On the first three municipalities the Regional State Forest of Gallipoli-Cognato insists from 300 to 1200 meters above sea level, where the presence, often in monumental form, of the oak, of the ash, of the maple and, in the low altitudes, of the essences typical of the Mediterranean brush such as the olive and the alaterno. On the remaining two municipalities we find geological formations of sandstone almost unique in the south, recalling the alpine dolomites in their forms |