The Gallipoli Cognato forest is part of the Municipalities of Accettura, Calciano and Oliveto Lucano and occupies a total area of ​​4,159 hectares. The forest, deriving from the fusion of two distinct wooded estates, respectively the wood of Gallipoli, of 1,117 ha, and the Cognato wood, 3,357 ha, is characterized by a remarkable altimetric variability: it passes, in fact, from altitudes close to 200 meters, bordering the Basento riverbed, at 1,319 Mt of Mount Impiso. In the territory, it is possible to distinguish different forest and plant environments, some of which occupy vast and continuous extensions, while others have a point and localized diffusion.

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This is the undisputed realm of helichrysum, cysts and arboreal heather, whose root was once used for pipe making. Near the area of Palazzo, currently the central nucleus of the services and offices of Gallipoli Cognato Park, the oaks, dominant vegetative species of this area, take on majestic porters interspersed with specimens of white hornbeam, maple, hornbeam. At the altimetry level of the Turkey oak, but with a smaller distribution, the farnetto grows, particularly widespread at Monte Croccia. Localized is the presence of the lime tree that, in the most inaccessible places, grows vigorously and renews with relative rapidity.

The herbaceous flora is rich in cyclamen, anemones, violets, daisies, vinca, with early blooms between the beginning of spring and autumn. On Dolomiti Lucane and in the surrounding areas, there are several species of wild orchids making the rural landscape fascinating and colourful.

The presence of safflower in grazing clearings is interesting. In correspondence with the humid valleys, streams and watercourses, we find the oxifillo ash, an endemic species of Basilicata, the aspen poplar, the white poplar, the black alder, and the willows.

The low and bushy vegetation consists of mosses, maidenhair ferns, lichens. Several places have been reforested with the introduction of Aleppo Pine, Maritime Pine, Larch, cypress. Interesting was the introduction of the white fir in Lake Cirminale. There are numerous fauna species frequenting the forest with species that in some cases have disappeared from other areas of the Apennines: badgers, wolves, martens, weasels, hares, a few marten, and porcupines.

Among the amphibians we have the spotted salamander, the toad, the ululone; among the reptiles the gecko, the luscegnola, the grass snake, the hummingbird, and the common viper. The bird population is characterized by a large quantity of different species of passerines, great tit, robin, nightingale, blackbird, and of piciformes: woodpecker, green woodpecker. Falcon forms are also widespread: kite, goshawk, buzzard, sparrow hawk, owl, tawny owl, barn owl.

Then there are two very rare butterflies, protected and endangered species, object of protection actions by the Park: the Melanargia arge and the Eriogaster Catax.

Among the significant invertebrates, there is the presence of the longicorn beetle Agapanthia maculicornis and the heliopter Daracoris olivaceus.

The forest is mainly composed of broadleaf hardwoods (3,700 ha), a simple copse of oak and turkey oak (90 ha), mixed forests of resinous and broad-leaved trees (44 ha); the rest consists of arable land, pastures and bare meadows, bushy. The undergrowth, up to a height of 600 m, is rich in sclerophyllae typical of the Mediterranean scrub; among these the most widespread are the Phllirea angustifolia, Rhamnus alaternus, Pistacia terebinthus. Between 600 and 900 meters, the undergrowth is enriched in spring with blooms of Cytisus villosus, and among the oaks begin to appear with shrub bearing the apple and the maple. The holly, the ern, the ivy and the pope's coin are part of the undergrowth. In the sunniest area, the scrubland gives way to the garrigue.

The particular geomorphological conformation of the territory is the result of the composition and distribution of the lithological successions and of the complex tectonic events, which, since the Miocene era, have affected this area.

Among the geological singularities are to be noted: the Lucanian Dolomites, the gorges of Basento and Salandrella rivers, the ravines of Oliveto Lucano, the erratic boulders widespread in the Gallipoli Cognato forest.

The dolomites of Pietrapertosa and Castelmezzano, formed by cemented sandstones, raised by the last tectonic phases that generated the southern Apennines and shaped by the action of the erosive agents, are not only the reason of landscape and perceptive interest, but also an element of scientific interest.

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The rivers that cross the protected area operate an incisive erosive action that, together with the widespread presence of tectonic lineages, give rise to the deep gorges that characterize some of the Basento and Salandrella valley sections.

The same origin is at the base of the ravines present near Oliveto Lucano. The erratic boulders, finally, are big erratic rocks that traveled long distances, transported in a bed of incoherent material of ancient landslides.

Once deposited these boulders have undergone a process of differentiated erosion: the waters have brought to light stone blocks, slowly and gradually cleaning them out of the incoherent material coming from ancient landslides.

The erratic boulders have singular shapes, sharp edges and often their fractures house mosses and plants.


A geo-site is a place, area or territory in which it is possible to identify a geological-geomorphological interest for conservation.

From the awareness of the value of such sites, a study - arising in the context of an agreement stipulated between the Park and the Department of Sciences of the University of Basilicata - was born. The aim of the project is to identify sites of particular geological interest in the Park area and to highlight, through a preliminary report, the scientific - didactic value, as well as the potential geotourism interest.

The preliminary report can be downloaded below.

The Park covers an area of ​​27.027 hectares within the borders of the towns of Accettura, Calciano and Oliveto Lucano in the province of Matera, and Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa in the province of Potenza.

The Park protects and safeguards a large area at the centre of the regional territory with important naturalistic, historical and ethno-anthropological values. The safeguarded values are the Gallipoli Cognato forest extending over 4,200 hectares; the Montepiano forest formed by impressive specimens of Turkey oaks, Mediterranean shrub land with residual holm oaks, sandstone rocks, which form the bizarre profiles of the Dolomiti Lucane of Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa, the remains of the fortification of a Lucanian city built in the fourth century. B.C. on the summit of Monte Croccia.

Among the most significant natural elements are the two ridges of arenaceous rock, differently outlined: the most harmonious is the mountain of Caperrino (1,400 mt.), Suggestive are the peaks of the dolomites of Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa, whose highest peak reaches 1,319 m. at Mount Impiso.

The presence of watercourses is conspicuous but in the form of torrents and springs, of seasonal nature. Another characteristic natural element is the Forest of Gallipoli Cognato, which is shown as a wide and uniform green patch, consisting of variegated arboreal and shrub species. Similar is the Montepiano woods, formed by centuries-old trees and columnar forests of oak and an undergrowth of holly. In the forest of Gallipoli Cognato, there are tall oak trees, which reach enormous dimensions in higher areas.

Other secondary species are the white hornbeam, maples and small hornbeam; near the streams, there is the ash tree, while the holm oak is located on the rocks of Campomaggiore. The Montepiano wood is prosperous in majestic oaks, among maples, hornbeam and holly used during the feast of May. The area of ​​the Dolomiti of Pietrapertosa and Castelmezzano is likewise flourishing, especially in chestnut, lime, elm, and maple, and in the higher areas the hornbeam, the ornith and holm oak bushes. The mountain of Caperrino is covered by cerretta, broom, and above all by prairies.

The same importance has the fauna, represented by wild boar, wolf, fox, badger, porcupine and, rarely, wildcat. Among the rare presences, we point out the Italian newt and the Salamander with the Glasses