Obtained the renewal of the PEFC Certification for the Gallipoli Cognato forest for the year 2018-2019. The CSQA certification body has confirmed the sustainable management standards of our forest according to the PEFC (Program for Endorsment of Forest Certification Schemes) standards. The PEFC is an international initiative based on a broad understanding of the involved parties in the implementation of sustainable forest management at national and regional level. According to the PEFC REPORT 2017 at the end of 2017 in Italy there are 745,559.04 hectares of forests and woods having the PEFC certificate: first of all the areas of Trentino Alto Adige. When observing the MAP well you will see that, UNIQUE forest certified from Umbria to Sicily, is that of our Park. Certification: ethical commitment and marketing tool for the green economy. For more information, www.pefc.it